Critical Incident Reporting
Critical Incident Reporting (CIR) is now completed through the DMHA Provider Portal.
Below you will find a summary of how to access the portal and CIR:
Log into the DMHA Provider Portal:
1. Note: instructions for signing up/logging into the DMHA Provider Portal can be found within the Portal Training Powerpoint in the helpful links.
2. Select the Critical Incident Reporting tab at the top of the page, then select Report Critical Incident
State Hospitals will still utilize this page and click below or
Please note you will not be able to save your progress and finish at a later time. If you stop working on your report for more than 15 minutes, the system will timeout and you will need to start a new incident report. All information must be completed once you begin the incident report. Please ensure you have all of the required information prior to beginning the incident report.